Transforming Public Services Experience Through Technology

Drive Ecosystem Benefits With Intuitive Technology Solutions

Sensez9 technology enables public services providers to bring multiple service partners onto a common platform, improve visibility and governance, whilst increasing automation, system integration and data interchange, as well as enabling community users to register complaints or requests.

Sensez9 technology allows for a step by step or gradual deployment allowing organizations to start with specific projects or demographics and build out tailored solutions as the organization or business evolves in a cost-effective manner.

Monitor Outcomes and Close the Loop

Feedback & Follow-up

  • Automate user feedback collection or build on previous interactions

Small Scale Integrated Referral Network

  • Connect key partners to automate processes and data interchange

Accountability and Visibility

  • Get unified ecosystem view of metrics through dashboards and reports

Close the Loop

  • Bring together data from partners and programs to monitor outcomes

Manage Volunteers & Teams

  • Schedule appointments or communicate with partners, volunteers, and staff

Manage Requests

  • Connect community users with partners to address requests or complaints