Simplified Scheduling Solutions

VITA Tax Referrals
ACP Program Referrals

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Case Study

Sensez9 LinkServ helped UW PA211 manage Tax Scheduling

Innovative referral and tax service providers are adopting the ‘integrated scheduler’ model. This model improves client experience, reduces total 211 calls and average 211 call time, and facilitates seamless VITA volunteer management for a smooth tax preparation season.

About LinkServ

LinkServ is a closed loop appointment scheduling platform. We help clients connect to the right resources at their preferred time and place.

Seamless Bookings:

Suited to needs of each site and overall program

Client Experience:

Guided flows for users allows standardization and better client service

Access to Self Scheduler:

Clients can access mobile app and web to self-screen and book

Targeted Match:

In-built algorithms guide users to find best suited sites and providers

Multiple Use Cases

Tax Referrals for VITA

ACP Program Referrals

Key Features

Easy Setup

  • Configure site preferences, slot and/or provider availability with full flexibility

Customizable Screening

  • Configure screening flows with intuitive builder tool to screen for eligibility

Match Multi Site Appointments

  • Manage multi site programs by automated matching of client need with availability

Client Communications

  • Automate notifications and reminders with site specific instructions

Designed for 3rd Party Referrals

  • Interfaces for Site Coordinator and Call Centre users, creating a scalable referral network. HIPAA Certified

First Class Support

  • Ensure customer experience through FAQ self-help and dedicated issue support